AMS Mediation is known for providing excellent mediation services for couples who are divorcing. We work with couples because we are committed to providing them with the best possible options for resolving differences and ending their marriages by addressing, reducing, and often eliminating the conflict that has come to characterize their relationships. We take pride in offering the best divorce mediation services in Minnesota. Mediation also provides the fastest way to get divorced in Minnesota.
End your Marriage with Less Stress and Minimal Conflict
There are many reasons why a divorcing couple may find divorcing quickly appealing. It may be that you simply need to get on with your life and put a difficult relationship experience behind you. Or it may be that your next life chapter is calling you to another part of the country or globe, requiring faster resolution of the divorce process. Whatever the reasons for your desire to complete the divorce process quickly, AMS Mediation is designed to serve you.
We combine our knowledge of Minnesota divorce law, our expertise in mediation, and respect for your individual circumstances to help you end your marriage efficiently. Mediated divorce is designed to be a faster process than court-based divorce processes. However, not all mediators have the same kind of commitment to their clients’ needs that we have. AMS Mediation’s knowledge of the processes associated with mediated divorce allow us to provide you with all the benefits of mediated divorce with an efficiency that many of our fellow mediation service providers simply cannot match.
Efficient Divorce Mediation Services
We have worked hard to establish ourselves as experts in the field of divorce mediation, which is why we have built such a positive reputation in Minnesota. We can state with confidence, as well as a long track-record of proof that introducing speed to our work with clients never involves sacrificing quality of service. We simply know the systems associated with Minnesota divorce law well enough to work within them efficiently.
As beneficial as those qualities are, however, it is our commitment to understanding your unique and individual circumstances that allows us to concentrate on resolving the issues between you and your spouse with speed and efficiency. We are committed to helping you and your divorcing spouse find relief from the stress of your marriage as quickly as possible.
Many couples can benefit from avoiding a long, protracted divorce process. There is no divorce mediation service provider that is better equipped to help you through the divorce process with greater speed and quality than AMS Mediation. To schedule time with us, call 952.252.1492, or email