Jul 27, 2024
If you are in a committed relationship and share kids, you are co-parenting every day. However, this co-parenting relationship can change dramatically if you decide to separate or divorce. One of the most important tenets of co-parenting is effective communication. Strong communication is important but is also extremely difficult, especially as you navigate a divorce. AMS Mediation offers communication coaching
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Jun 29, 2024
When you separate from your partner or decide that you are ready for a divorce, child custody can be one of the most difficult things to negotiate. In most cases, both parties indicate that they want what is best for the child (or children) but practically speaking–there may be different views on exactly what that is. If you are struggling to agree on the best path forward related to child custody, the Minnesota court system may
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Jan 12, 2024
Sharing custody of your children is difficult for all involved. After all, when you had your kids, you imagined that you would likely live together as a family and see your kids most every day. Sharing custody after a divorce means that you are splitting that time with your ex. It is important to consider how to set up a custody agreement that will work for your family in the long term. Generally, in Minnesota, the courts want you to try to resolve the terms of your divorce (including a custody agreement) using an alternative dispute resolution technique instead of litigation. Post divorce issues are very hard to estimate unless you have a crystal ball.
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Dec 3, 2023
A divorce that goes through the formal court process can seem very impersonal and harsh. You hire attorneys whose job it is to “win” at the cost of members of your own family. Decisions are left in the hands of a judge who does not know you personally. In fact, many divorce agreements that are developed through litigation need to be altered significantly down the road. AMS Mediation offers an alternative approach to the divorce
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Jul 23, 2023
It is a common experience when you are an adult to hear from someone you trust that, in the long run, going through something truly difficult now will likely prove to be a good thing. Having a very bad boss and an unhealthy work situation, for example, could result in the immediate stress of leaving the job for an uncertain future. However, when you get a new and better job, hindsight allows you to understand that the new and better job would not have been possible without the initial, very undesirable job forcing a decision. There are many parallels between the employment stress described above and the realities of going through a divorce
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Apr 15, 2023
It is not uncommon in the United States for couples who know their marriage is failing to decide that it is better to stay together because they have children. In many ways, the drive to stay together in a marriage that is not working is admirable. It is an indication of commitment to the little people who have added purpose and meaning to their parents’ lives. But, for the vast majority of those couples, staying together in a marriage that is a marriage in name only is untenable and can sometimes be unhealthy. AMS Mediation can help couples in such situations by building on the love they have for the children and easing them into the next chapter of their lives.
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