Jun 8, 2024
For many couples going through a divorce, it is easy to jump to the conclusion that the process is complete once the divorce papers are signed. However, especially if you and your spouse share children, many additional issues come up well after divorce that must be resolved. When you come up with your initial divorce settlement, it is based on life as it stands at that point in time. But, as time passes, circumstances may change for you, for your children and for your ex. AMS Mediation specializes in cost effective mediation in Minnesota after divorce that can help you resolve any number of issues that come up after your divorce papers are signed, so that you do not have to go to court.
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May 11, 2024
One thing we all learn as we get older is that life is more expensive than it has ever been. Homes and cars cost more, food costs more, gas costs more each year. However, there are parts of our society that have emerged as bargains, and divorce mediation is one of those things. Compared to the cost of pursuing a divorce through the court system, divorce mediation is far less expensive and less stressful. In addition to these important benefits, the courts also encourage couples
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Jul 28, 2023
Each state has slightly different laws related to divorce. When you have made the decision to pursue a divorce, it is important to understand the laws specific to your state so that you can make informed decisions and navigate the process to work best for you. Here are 5 things you need to know about Minnesota divorce law:
1. No fault state: Minnesota has what is known
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Sep 4, 2020
In a year like no other, 2020 has brought its fair share of uncertainty, stress and fear to families all over the country. With families spending much more time in their homes together, conflict is sometimes unavoidable. If you have contemplated divorce in the past but are feeling more certain than ever that it is the best path forward for you and your family, here are some practical tips for navigating your divorce in 2020:
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Aug 14, 2020
The final product of the divorce mediation process is called a Memorandum of Agreement. This document can contain details about your settlement, including information about how you will divide your property, your parenting plan and/or custody agreement and even details about spousal support or child support payments. This agreement is not legally binding until it has been submitted to the Courts and the Court has accepted it. Generally, after you complete the mediation process, you and your ex hire
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Nov 30, 2019
If you and your spouse have recently made the very difficult decision to divorce, you may be very ready to begin to move forward with your life. Very often, the process of coming to terms with the end of your marriage can take months, if not years. Once you and your spouse decide you are ready to move forward with divorce, you may have already worked through many of the emotions associated with the loss and actually be ready for the changes ahead. The divorce process can be another hurdle to cross, but it does not have to extend the painful process. Mediation is the fastest way to get divorced in Minnesota and the team at AMS Mediation is ready to help you get started TODAY!
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