Jun 15, 2024
Without conflict, there would be no divorce. That’s a simple enough fact, right? But something that many people tend to forget is that ‘simple’ and ‘easy’ can often be very oppositional terms. That divorce and conflict go hand-in-hand is simple. But navigating the conflict that occurs in divorce is seldom, if ever, easy. Fortunately, though, if you live near Burnsville, MN, help is only a phone call away. AMS Mediation can help you navigate the entire divorce process, from start to finish.
Our team’s commitment is to help you minimize the conflict that occurs when you decide to split up, and maximize the potential for all who are affected or impacted by your divorce to move on as quickly as possible.
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May 25, 2024
The majority of parents whose marriages end in divorce are people who love their children more than anything. The nature of marital conflict, however, can result in parents expressing their love for their children in ways that provoke disagreement. It is entirely possible for both parents to believe that they love their children perfectly, while also believing that their divorcing spouse’s love for their children is all wrong
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May 4, 2024
Deciding how to settle the terms of your divorce is never simple. If you have children, you will need to develop a parenting plan (also known as a custody agreement) and determine whether or not to plan for child support payments. Even if you do not share kids, you will still need to divide your joint property, consider spousal maintenance and anything else unique to your separation. If you are considering a divorce in 2024, you may want to estimate the financial cost of divorce so that you can make appropriate plans.
Why Consider Divorce Mediation in Minnesota
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Apr 27, 2024
The time in which we are living has as much uncertainty as any time since, perhaps, the turbulent 1960s. It is almost impossible to be unaffected by these issues. If circumstances in your home are further complicating life, we at AMS Mediation want you to know that there are pathways forward to help, even during these uncertain times. If you and your spouse are on the path to Getting Divorced in 2020, AMS Mediation is ready to help you through our divorce mediation process.
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Mar 7, 2024
One of the primary benefits of settling your divorce using mediation is that it lays the groundwork to make any additional necessary changes after your divorce is final. When you initially settle the important terms of your divorce such as how to equitably divide your property and how to structure your child custody agreement, you have no real way of knowing what the future holds.
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Feb 16, 2024
AMS Mediation offers expert mediation services to non-married parents who are separating. It may be tempting to assume that mediation services are available only to couples who are legally and officially married. However, mediation is a service that is not only available to non-married couples, it should be considered an irreplaceable one for non-married couples who are separating and have children. Non-married couples who
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