Sep 17, 2023
When you decide to separate from your spouse, you may no longer be in a committed and intimate relationship with them, but if you share children, you are still responsible for co-parenting in an effective way. Co-parenting during the divorce process and after the divorce is final is extremely important to the well-being of your children, who are in the midst of a major life transition. Amber Serwat of AMS Mediation serves
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Jul 18, 2023

Most people only go through a divorce once in their life (at most). So, every single thing about the divorce process is new, stressful and overwhelming. In fact, a divorce feels like a personal crisis in most cases. Every single decision can seem impossible to make. You may feel like you do not have enough information to make even the simplest decisions
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May 20, 2023
We understand that you may feel like admitting that your marriage is over, and you are headed toward divorce is a failure. Our society reinforces that with messages in movies and on TV that focus on high conflict divorces that must be settled in the courtroom. However, the team at AMS Mediation can help you find a way toward a successful, fair and equitable divorce that can help you find peace and closure. What does a successful divorce look like?
Collaborative: Collaborative may not be a word that you generally associate with divorce, but it can be.
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Apr 15, 2023
It is not uncommon in the United States for couples who know their marriage is failing to decide that it is better to stay together because they have children. In many ways, the drive to stay together in a marriage that is not working is admirable. It is an indication of commitment to the little people who have added purpose and meaning to their parents’ lives. But, for the vast majority of those couples, staying together in a marriage that is a marriage in name only is untenable and can sometimes be unhealthy. AMS Mediation can help couples in such situations by building on the love they have for the children and easing them into the next chapter of their lives.
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Mar 24, 2023
If you are in the process of getting a divorce, communication between you and your soon to be ex is likely strained at best. Over time, your communication may have become more and more difficult. In fact, communication problems may have even contributed to your divorce. However, if you share children, you will need to find a way to communicate effectively in order to make parenting decisions
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Dec 3, 2021
One of those old sayings that you may have heard before, but you cannot attribute to anyone specifically is, “Everyone complains about the weather, but no one does anything about it.” Well, as almost funny as that is, slightly less funny–but all the more true–is the same statement but substituting the word ‘communication’ for ‘weather.’ We all know how important communication is to healthy relationships, but it still seems to elude
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